"If I could only use one tool for a speed session or pre-round warm up, it's the Drag-N-Fly."
— John Novosel, Jr.
You can achieve more speed, power and distance by loading more energy into each phase of your golf swing...
And the Drag-N-Fly helps you FEEL how to do it.
The Drag-N-Fly is a flexible swing trainer with an added resistance tail that helps you create massive acceleration (and deceleration) where you need it to be explosive at impact.
In the Backswing: the resistance makes you "recruit" more grip pressure and ground force to load more energy.
In the Downswing: learning to "slam" your arms properly against resistance helps you accelerate and decelerate your hands for more speed.
In the Through Swing: by doing "back and forths" with resistance, your body learns to adapt and generate speed so you can load...then explode!